Postal Address
Secretarial office Vascular surgery G04.129
PO Box 85500
3508 GA Utrecht
Telephone +31 887556965
Prof. Dr. G.J. de Borst
Vascular Surgeon, Project Leader
Roos A.M. van Heeswijk, MD
PhD Candidate
Visiting address
Heidelberglaan 100
3584 GX Utrecht
The Netherlands
There is paid parking in the parking garage at Utrecht University Hospital (AZU). However, space is limited, and at times the parking garage might even be full. This is why we recommend you use public transport whenever possible.
If you like, you can drop off your passengers right in front of the main entrance. Before leaving, you first have to pay the parking fee. You will find parking pay stations near the main entrance to the hospital. There is a change machine in the main hall.
Parking for the disabled
If you have a disabled parking permit, you can park in the spaces specially reserved for this purpose near the main entrance (up to a maximum of 1 hour) or in the parking garage (Level 2, paid parking). There are also wheelchairs available in the parking garage.